

SK Convent 1 Bukit Nanas was declared as 2nd runner-up for DIGi RAP competition National Level this year.

Full results are :
Champion : SJKC Kwang Hwa ( Penang )
1st Runner-up : SJKC Shang Wu ( Penang )
2nd Runner-up : SK Convent Bukit Nanas 1 (KL)

Congratulations to all DIGI Drama actresses on your achievement.

The list of the actresses as below:
1. Zara Nadhira as Leyla
2. Alexandria Sonia as Saleem
3. 'Aliah Syahirah as Mahmood
4. Jasmine Qistina as The Prince
5. Maisarah Diyanah as the seller n the servant
6. Batrisyia Aza as the seller
7. Putri Eilya Sofea as the belly dancer
8. Nur Fatihah Athirah as the belly dancer n the servant
9. Raihan Darlina as the belly dancer n the servant
10. Nurul Fitri Sabarinah as
the belly dancer n the servant
11. Putri Nellisa Syafirah as
the belly dancer n the servant

Special thanks to: Wan Farahin Ahmad Fahmy as the narrator.

TQ to all parents, teachers n students.


Hari Guru 09

Selamat Hari Guru diucapkan kepda semua warga pendidik SK CBN1. Moga jasa dan ilmu yang dicurahkan mendapat balasan yang setimpal.

Berikut adalah hasil "make over" yang telah dilakukan ke atas guru-guru sempena sambutan Hari Guru pada tahun ini. Saksikan!
Pn. Nik Zaliana & Pn. Selemah
Pn. Rozila, Pn. Salliza, Pn. Phua & Pn. Aniza

* Saya memohon maaf kerana hanya ini gambar yang ada dalam simpanan. Cikgu-cikgu yang ada gambar-gambar lain, harap dapat email kan ke email sekolah untuk tindakan lanjut. T.Kasih.